Hong Kong

To Help Investors Around The World Invest Globally and Profitably

FSMOne’s philosophy is simple: We want to provide the best research and online experience to our customers so that they can take advantage of global opportunities and make profitable investments. By harnessing the power of the Internet, we provide a low cost, convenient, informative and interactive medium to our customers to invest in a wide range of investment and insurance products. We strongly believe that greater transparency in fees and information can only empower and benefit investors.

Since our inception in 2000, FSMOne has grown from strength to strength to be the leading online investment platform of choice in Singapore. In July 2007, FSMOne expanded to Hong Kong, and this was followed by Malaysia in August 2008. We believe that our presence in different markets will offer a unique investment experience that no one else can provide.

Connecting you to a greater range of investment products and services



Hong Kong



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FSMOne Singapore
FSMOne Hong Kong
FSMOne Malaysia

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